Enjoy Summer’s Bounty: Tomatoes

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In my opinion, one of the best foods of summer is a fresh, juicy, vine-ripened tomato. In fact, the other day I drove over 30 minutes just to buy some of these gems at a farm stand. There is nothing like the flavor of a locally grown tomato - a depth and sweetness like none other! It was definitely worth the trip!

Common sense tells us that a locally grown (or better yet - homegrown) tomato will taste MUCH better than a commercially grown tomato. Why, you ask? According to research by healthline.com, commercially grown tomatoes are harvested when immature and green. They are sprayed with ethylene gas to speed up the ripening process and turn them red prior to selling in grocery stores. This results in a red, but usually bland tomato. When tomatoes are allowed to ripen naturally on the vine, ethylene is naturally produced by the plant, resulting in a tastier tomato full of nutrients.

Tomatoes are full of important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients for our health (www.healthline.com).

  • Vitamin C: good for our immune system, bone health, skin, and more. One medium tomato can provide up to 28% of your RDA.

  • Potassium: supports heart health and controls blood pressure.

  • Vitamin K1: for blood clotting and bone health.

  • Folate: supports normal tissue growth and cell function.

  • Lycopene: the disease-fighting carotenoid found mostly in the tomato’s skin, and in both raw and cooked tomatoes.

Studies show the benefits of tomatoes include a lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers (prostate, lung, breast, and stomach), and improved skin health.

It is also interesting to know that both raw and cooked tomatoes are full of nutrients. Many times overcooking vegetables depletes the nutrients... not true when we are talking about tomatoes. According to a livestrong.com article, the lycopene in tomatoes actually increases as they are cooked. Canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, and ketchup all contain high levels of lycopene. Just make sure the cans are BPA free, and you choose options that do not contain added sugars and sodium.

This summer enjoy locally grown fruits and vegetables - including tomatoes. The choices - especially at farmers markets and farm stands - are so fresh, delicious, and full of nutrients to keep us healthy!

Be inspired,
