Checking in with Mindfulness


Good Afternoon!

Welcome to Inspire Wellness and Nutrition and our third newsletter audio meditation.

As we prepare to enter perhaps our ninth or tenth week of Shelter in Place, I find I want to check in with myself in my practice.  What is the present moment like for me?  As I embrace all that is here with non- judgment, I feel gratitude- on many levels.  Even as I observe that I am feeling anxious, and my patience is short - especially when I am tired at the end of the day.  I notice too that I am hypersensitive.  With all the incredible, wide range of suffering in our world, I can be overwhelmed by so many emotions.

I recommend to you an article in the "Harvard Business Review" entitled…  “That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief” by Scott Berinato.

Among the wonderful information that Mr. Berinato provides is his suggestion that we are feeling many different griefs as a result of Covid-19 and the quarantine.  He mentions the loss of normalcy, loss of connection, and the fear of economic toll.  To meet us in our grief, Berinato suggests that we understand the stages of grief and also look to certain aspects of meditation or mindfulness for support.  He cites, coming into the present, letting go of what you cannot control, and stocking up on compassion, among other recommendations.

So today my intention for practice is forgiveness with lovingkindness. I will begin with an excerpt from Sasha Loring’s book, Eating with Fierce Kindness:  entitled “Practicing Forgivness”.  Then we will practice briefly.

I will close the meditation with an excerpt from Charlie Mackesy’s book, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse.


With Gratitude,
