Returning to Mindfulness with a Beginner’s Mind


Good Afternoon, Everyone!

I hope the week is going well for everyone,

Recently, I have returned with a beginner’s mind to Lovingkindness practice and a comprehensive body scan. I have a link below to two of my favorite practitioners with their respective practice. I love these practices because they allow us to focus on sharpening and directing our awareness. For me, these practices help us to center/drop down in awareness - at times; into our bodies; often, into our hearts.

For me this awareness and practice is key - as we find ourselves still - in a sea of uncertainty, fear, angst and deep concern. I believe it is important to tap into our core, to check in with ourselves, to check out our heart. What are we feeling right now? I am, at times, finding myself with a shorter fuse. Are you noticing increased sensitivity and maybe impatience? Have we had enough of the suffering, political controversy, caring, worrying - about everyone and everything? The good news is we are human; we are not alone. Are you being kind to yourself and taking time - (besides reading this newsletter) for practices and self- care?

Mindfulness supports us on our journey.

Please join me as I lead a meditation…


Be safe, be well,
